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Garuda Logic
Logic tests combined with persona profiles increase recruitment accuracy, reduce hiring errors and ensure the right candidates are selected.
The certification helps you identify candidates who will succeed in the role and avoid costly recruitment mistakes.
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Get certified in Garuda Logic and improve your recruitment
Before you can use our logic test, Garuda Logic, you must be a certified user.
You will become one in this course.
But why should you consider using logic tests?
There are several reasons.
The obvious one is all too familiar to those of us with recruitment experience.
Some candidates look good on paper but disappoint in reality.
Others don’t impress in their applications or CVs, but surprise once they’re hired – if they get the chance.
We also know that the gap between paper and reality can be expensive.
Really expensive.
But what can we do to reduce the risk of recruitment mistakes?
There are many suggestions.
One of the things research suggests is that the combination of person profiles and logic tests provides one of the highest levels of predictive validity.
In plain English, this means that by combining a personality profile with a logic test, you increase the likelihood of being able to predict who will succeed in the position.
And who won’t.
This is one of the reasons why it makes sense to go through the certification in Garuda Logic.
Course information
Prices and practical information
The Garuda Logic certification course takes place online.
It takes about 2½ hours and the price is DKK 3,000 excluding VAT.
The courses are generally open, which means that anyone can sign up – across industries and titles.
However, it is also possible to arrange closed courses where only selected people from your workplace participate.
Contact us if you want a closed course or if you have questions about the Garuda Logic certification.
Sign up for the Garuda Logic course
Fill out the form below and you will be contacted.
Your registration is then confirmed.