Valuable report update | Normal distribution curve | Quality assurance
We are pleased to announce that we have made an update to Garuda Logic. The update includes quality assurance of Garuda Logic and updated graphical elements that enhance interpretation, usability and feedback.
We hope you enjoy the updates and are of course available to answer any questions you may have.
ATTENTION! If you are in a process where the update has crossed over, we recommend that you create new and updated reports to ensure consistency.
Intuitive improvements to the Garuda Logic report
We have qualified a number of areas in the report for Garuda Logic. Below you will find a brief overview of the improvements that you will find in your future reports via Garuda Universe.
Graphical visualisation with normal distribution curve
Each of the three subtests and the total score have a normal distribution curve added.
Garuda Logic’s visualisation on stanine score presents a normally distributed score between 1 and 9.
The addition of the normal distribution curve supports the pedagogical element when explaining the test result to the candidate, hiring manager, interpreting or communicating to the hiring committee.
The normal distribution curve is also added to the ‘Time’ scale for each of the three sub-tests.
Facts about the tasks
We have extracted information about answered and unanswered questions where relevant. Therefore, for each of the three subtests, you will now find a brief outline of answered items, unanswered items (including averages) and the respondent’s correct and incorrect answers.
You’ll find similar facts on the ‘Overall result’ page, where all tasks are displayed together.
Individual quality cards removed
The Quality Map has been removed from the individual subtests. Our user insights show that you and other users primarily use the quality map on the ‘Overall quality map’. We have therefore removed the quality map from each subtest.
As mentioned, it is still possible to include the quality card on the ‘Overall result’ page of the test.
Graphical display of complexity
Each of the three subtests in Garuda Logic increases in complexity. Therefore, Task 2 in ‘Abstract Reasoning’ will have greater complexity than Task 1. The same applies to task 3 in relation to task 2, and so on.
In a business context, it can be relevant to know how much complexity the respondent can handle, and visualising the complexity of Garuda Logic can be relevant to look at.
When you create your Garuda Logic reports in the future, you can add ‘Complexity charts’ to your subtests or you can add the graphs under ‘Appendices’.
The graph shows the 10 tasks of the subtest with increasing complexity.
The graph indicates whether the respondent answered correctly (green), incorrectly (red) or did not answer the task in question (gray):
New indication of time spent
We have changed the visualization of ‘Time’ on the ‘Overall score’ page.
Next to the scores on each of the three ability factors, the time spent is visualized on a scale.
The time spent is marked with an icon next to each of the three ability factors. 1 indicates slow, 9 indicates fast, as described below:
Updated stanine scales and averages
As part of our ongoing quality assurance of Garuda Logic, we have updated the current stanine scales for each of the three subtests (Verbal, Abstract, Numerical) and the overall stanine scale. The update is necessary due to the increasing demand for Garuda Logic.
We’ve also updated the average calculations in terms of:
Number of completed tasks
Number of missed tasks
Average time per subtest (Abstract, Verbal, Numerical)
The updated average figures are based on fill data from 2022-2024 and contain more than 3 million data points.
The norm group/comparison group in Garuda Logic is still working people aged 16-70.
Does the update bring any changes to the IQ score?
Our quality assurance and analysis has not resulted in any changes to the reported IQ score. Therefore, updating stanine scales and averaging does not affect the respondent’s achieved IQ score.
Respondents who have previously completed Garuda Logic will achieve the same IQ score – both before and after the update has taken effect. The unchanged IQ score is a reflection of the stability of Garuda Logic, where the adjustment of stanine scales is a reflection of the increased number of respondents who have completed Garuda Logic and thus the need to adjust the normal distribution.
Here you go – the update is already waiting for you!
We hope you enjoy the new improvements and updates to Garuda Logic.
If you have any questions about usage, interpretation or anything else, we are always ready to help you at and tel. +45 87 46 86 86 00.