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Competence Profile
The Competence Profile is a comprehensive personality test used for recruitment, onboarding and employee development. It facilitates targeted conversations and helps identify the right candidate and highlight development needs.
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With 320 statements divided into 16 personality traits, the Competence Profile is one of the most comprehensive personality assessments on the market. You can use it for recruiting, onboarding and developing employees, specialists and managers.
The Competence Profile enables you to ask targeted and qualified questions. And based on them, have an open and equal dialog about strengths, weaknesses and development opportunities in relation to a given position.
In a recruitment situation, the dialog helps identify who is the right candidate for the job. And where you need to support the candidate through the onboarding period.
If you use the Competence Profile for employee development, it helps highlight the aspects of the employee or manager’s personality that she needs to develop in order to solve the tasks and challenges she will face in her job.
8, 12 or 16 personality traits
Although the Competence Profile is our most in-depth personality test, it is also very flexible. You choose whether you want to uncover 8, 12 or 16 personality traits – depending on your needs.
In addition, the Competence Profile has a number of add-on modules that each contribute their own qualities. Choose, for example, the Job Profile, which examines the requirements of the job, or the Onboarding module, which provides recommendations on how the new employee can best get on board.
Person Profile
Uncovers the person’s experience of their own behavior and personality.
Job Profile
What are the requirements of the job? And is there a match between the Job Profile and Person Profile?
Mirror Profile (360 degree)
What is other people’s experience of the person?
Reference Profile
Qualifies your reference taking by comparing the candidate with the reference’s perception of the candidate.
Onboarding module
Individual Onboarding recommendation for employee and employee’s manager + for manager and manager’s manager.
Statistics module
Use statistics strategically to make data-driven decisions, e.g. for qualifying comparisons in recruitment and development programs.
Leader Profile
Specific texts for potential leaders.
Indicators of stress sensitivity and leadership talent
Insights about leaders and stress sufferers to assess leadership potential and stress indicators.
The Competence Profile is used across industries and functions. Hundreds of thousands of people have filled out the personal profile over the years, giving you a gigantic statistical basis to compare against in recruitment and development situations.
We are here to help
If you have any questions or would like more information about Garuda, our HR services or anything else, you are of course always welcome to contact us.
Competence Profile provides complete transparency
The Competence Profile contains a number of tools, such as the open statement analysis that allows the candidate to always see their answers and why they give the result they do. The complete openness is a very special feature of Garuda.
The same goes for weighted statements, which means that the statements in the Competence Profile are weighted according to how many people select them. So if the candidate selects a statement that 5% of all other candidates have also answered, it is given less value than if she selects a statement that only 0.5% have answered.
This is because the behavior or preference covered by the choice will be more prominent in the organization.
Therefore, it is of course beneficial for you to become aware of it before you hire the candidate.